Student Hub

The UNM CRM enables a better experience for all constituencies and fosters strong connections.

UNM 2040 Goal #2


Transform the educational experience by creating supportive, intellectually challenging, exciting, diverse and joyful learning environments both inside and outside of the classroom to ensure the lifelong success, upward social mobility, and engagement of all learners. Through the education of people, our University will contribute to the growth of societies in New Mexico and across the globe

UNM Strategic Framework pdf.

Project Overview

In partnership with the Office of the Provost and other key departments across campus, design, develop and implement a dynamic system that provides engagement, support and communication for UNM Students and support to administrative processes and services.

To facilitate student academic achievement, wellness, and engagement through adoption of a CRM strategy that will allow student support team coordination, distribute team roles and responsibilities effectively, channel communications with the student and among team members, and enhance the student’s experience of belonging, access, and opportunity at UNM. 

Office Hours

To speak directly with the project team, visit us at the bi-weekly office hours on Microsoft Teams every other Wednesday at 3:00 - 4:00 pm Mountain Time. Join us here.



UNM has purchased Salesforce Education Cloud, an advanced Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) platform that is tailored specifically towards educational institutions. The system includes features essential to supporting advisement communications, scheduling, and streamlining recruitment and admissions processes. It includes functionality that enables users to manage engagements into a single, cohesive platform aligning us with 2040 Goal #2 of improving the overall experience for students and the UNM staff who support them through their academic journey.  

Our approach to this project involves an active roadmap detailing the project’s progression.  This roadmap outlines the sequencing and rollout priorities based on these conditions: 

  • Standard functionality available in Salesforce Education Cloud 
  • High level UNM priorities with some level of custom development 
  • Lower level UNM interests that enhance or expand initial customization













Future State

Summer 2024

  • Recruitment and Admissions
    • Discovery of Recruitment and Admissions Current Functionality
    • Decision on Undergraduate Admissions Application Design

  • Student Success
    • Build LoboAchieve functionality in Education Cloud
    • Build Case Management for Advisement and Housing

Fall 2024

  • Recruitment and Admissions
    • Begin Undergraduate Admissions Build and Applicant Experience
    • Design Integration Strategy for Undergraduate Application Process

  • Student Success
    • Launch Student Success Application for Current Students and Advisors
    • Begin Early Alerts Planning
    • Begin Onboarding Checklist Build for main campus Undergraduate Students
    • Plan and Map Phase 2 Integrations for Student Success
    • Complete Phase 1 Integrations for Student Success

Spring 2025

  • Recruitment and Admissions
    • Complete Undergraduate Application Build and Begin Application Processes
    • Begin Build of Integrations
    • Demo and Select Third Party Event Management Application
    • Design Data Migration for Current UG Applications

  • Student Success
    • Build Student Success Alerts
    • Launch Onboarding Checklist Functionality on Experience Site
    • Begin Implementation of Marketing Cloud for Student Success
    • Build Canvas Integration
    • Design integration of Alerts data to SIS

Summer 2025

  • Recruitment and Admissions
    • Test TargetX Data Migration
    • Begin Third Party Event Management Implementation
    • Build Recruitment and Admissions Reports and Dashboards

  • Student Success
    • Launch Early Alerts
    • Launch Marketing Cloud for Student Success
    • Build Early Alerts integration to SIS
    • Discovery and Design of Knowledge Management and Chat Bot
    • Discovery and Design of Wellness Programs for HSC

Fall 2025

  • Recruitment and Admissions
    • Develop Undergraduate Recruitment Forms and Processes
    • Test and Complete Third Party Event Management Implementation
    • Plan and Build Single Sign-on for Undergraduate Admissions Staff
    • Build Undergraduate Decision Processes and Applicant Experience

  • Student Success
    • Build Knowledge Management and Chat Bot features
    • Discovery and Design of Additional Student Success Units
    • Build Wellness Programs for HSC

Spring 2026

  • Recruitment and Admissions
    • Implement Marketing Cloud for Recruitment
    • Build Salesforce Scheduler for Individual Admission Appointments
  • Student Success
    • Build Additional Student Success Units

Summer 2026

  • Recruitment and Admissions
    • Undergraduate Recruitment and Admissions Testing, Training and Go-Live
    • TargetX Data Migration from Undergraduate Recruitment and Admissions Instance

Future State

  • Application History
  • Graduate Application
  • Enhance Applicant Constituent Experience
  • Recruitment Travel